Archive for October, 2007

LOTF second journal entry

October 30, 2007

The second third of the book starts off with Ralph and Jack argueing over whats more important, fire or meat. Ralph ends up calling an assembly to try and get everyone to pull their weight and they also talked about the “beast” and about moving the fire closer so they wouldn’t have to go up by “the beast”. Also a parachuter lands on the island and the twins see him while tending the fire and assume that the parachuter was “the beast”. Ralph, Jack and Simon then go off to hunt for the beast. Later Jack begins his own tribe “the hunters” and tries to recruit boys with the meat from the pig they just caught.  Jack ran another huting expedition and caught a big sow and stuck it’s head onto a stick as a “gift” to the “beast”. Also Simon  wandered off into the forest and the pig’s head started talking to him, Simon was delirious and wandered back to camp and got killed savagely when he crawled out onto the beach where the boys where all pumped up from chanting and dancing.

I was horrified by the boy’s actions that they could go so far as they did to literally kill Simon. I know they were pumped up and that Simon could have possibly looked like a beast but to savagly actually take his life to me seems unforgivable and crazy. I think that Jack is definatley too power hungry for the group of boys that he is seperating them. That could end up being fatal because Jack’s tribe is just focusing on killing which does not help whatsoever with them getting off the island. I think the boys should sit down and listen to Piggy and Ralph and get themselves together. The boys seem to be getting more and more savage as the days pass and Jack is turning out to be a very bad influence as a hunter and as a chief. I hope they don’t take their “hunting”  too far again and kill another boy.

 One of the big symbols that stand out to me in “Lord of the Flies” so far is the conch. The conch in my opinion kind of stands in my mind as unity among the boys. Ralph first blew it and gathered everyone in and that was the first time all the boys were brought together as a unit. The conch was used to call assemblys and was also a kind of symbol for order on the island. The boys started getting more and more unorganized and the rules kind of dissolved along with the use of the conch. Things started to get out of control  as Jack’s tribe split away from Ralph, Piggy and their group and Ralph could no longer blow the conch to bring them together because they would not come.

“Lord of the Flies” first journal response pg.68

October 23, 2007

 In the novel “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding a group of boys’ plane crashes and leaves them on a deserted island with no surviving adults. The boys soon realize their fate and get to work getting themselves organized into groups such as the hunters, fire tenders, builders etc. Ralph one of the older boys of the group takes the leadership role and gathers everyone in by blowing on a conch. The boys are happy so far with their island adventure and even catch a pig. Conflict starts to happen already when the boys see a boat and the fire tenders were not there to signal to the boat.

 I could easily see this happening in real life if a group of boys were put onto a deserted island, but not with girls. I can’t  see girls running around naked and killing pigs. I can probably relate the most to Ralph seeing I like taking the leadership role and would probably do what he did in trying to organize groups to do designated jobs. I’m kind of suprised about how cruel and mean the boys can be when it comes to Piggy. I have to admit Puggy sound mildly annoying sometimes but I think the boys go to far in making him isolated. I was also very appalled when the young boy who talked about the snakes dissapeared and no one bothered to ask around for him, let alone actually go out and look for him. So far I am enjoying the book, and have a feeling further on in the novel the boys will get more savage.

 The setting of this novel has played a huge role in the outcome of the story so far and will probably continue throughout the story. The desertes island which sounds very nice almost like a luxury trip to the bahamas, gives a relaxed atmosphere for the boys. This leads to them not taking their jobs seriously because a lot of the boys seem like they don’t care if they get off the island or not. That would not be the case if the weather was horrible and the island was rocky and had no beaches. Overall I thought the book I’ve read so far is well written and one of the more interesting class novels I’ve read.

second theme song

October 18, 2007

Black Eyed Peas
» Karma 

Yeah, yeah
Watch out
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
I’m the caboose of the wrong doings you produce
The wild tail of the tornado running loose
You tie the noose, I kick the chair
I’m the cinai that snatch your life while you gasp for air
The echo of the “f**k you” that boomerangs to hurt your loved ones
The thief that held your son, held by ransom
The pervert that raped your wife
The hand that held the knife that took your life
You shot Tupac and Biggie
Now I’m coming after you like V-W-X-Y-Z
This is cause and effect, the dominal effect
The “What goes up, must come down” effect
You hopin, though, that you had a hand in doin the doin
The conclusion of the evil that you ended and start pursuing
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
This is the payback from the past
You threw me down like I was just a piece of trash
You gave me cash every week just enough to live
But didn’t get what I deserved instead I was deceived
Still young and didn’t know about this in the street
Of the acts, so crass and shady
Don’t crush your dreamshow and your whole entity
Subliminally you’re on the hire from a slavery
Remember that “What goes around, comes around”
God is watching you and evrything that you do
Do you remember everything that you did before
The way the bad action opens cosmic door
I’ma leave it up to God what he got for you
I’ma leave it up to Him what he got for me
And he’s watching you
Yeah, yeah
Watch out
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Yeah, yeah, you can’t run away (No, no, no)
You know, it’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
And don’t ignore it (No, no, no)
You know why, it’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yeah, yeah, you can’t run away (No, no, no)
It’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don’t ignore it (No, no, no)
It’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
‘Cause one way or another
It’s gonna find ya
It’s gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya
One way or another
It’s gonna find ya
It’s gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya
One way or another
It’s gonna find ya
It’s gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya
One way or another
It’s gonna find ya
It’s gonna get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya
Yeah, yeah, nigga
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Yeah, yeah
Watch out
Can’t run away (No, no, no)
It’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don’t ignore it (No, no, no)
It’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You can’t run away (No, no, no)
It’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don’t ignore it (No, no, no)
It’s gonna get ya (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Ain’t no running from
Karma, and no running
Yeah, yeah, good God
I wasn’t sure if the first song I picked was that useful for using theme so I found another. The obvious theme would be karma for this song. How the bad things in life that you do will eventually catch up with you. 

theme- things arent always as they seem

October 15, 2007

“LDN” – Lilly Allen 

Riding through the city on my bike all day
Cause the filth took away my license
It doesn’t get me down and I feel OK
Cause the sights that I’m seeing are priceless
Everything seems to look as it should
But I wonder what goes on behind doors
A fella looking dapper, but he’s sitting with a slapper
Then I see it’s a pimp and his crack whore

You might laugh you might frown
Walkin’ round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it’s all lies

There was a little old lady, who was walking down the road
She was struggling with bags from Tesco
There were people from the city having lunch in the park
I believe that it’s called al fresco
Then a kid came along to offer a hand

But before she had time to accept it
hits her over the head, doesn’t care if she’s dead
Cause he’s got all her jewelery and wallet

You might laugh you might frown
walking round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it’s all lies

Life, yeah that’s city life, yeah that’s city life, yeah that’s city life
Life, yeah that’s city life, yeah that’s city life, yeah that’s city life

[Chorus x2]
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
You can see it’s all lies


The painted door

October 5, 2007


The setting made a huge difference in the overall story. It was based in a remote farmland community, the weather was very blizzardy, windy and cold. John the main character Anne’s husband went out on a long trek to see his father in the horrible weather contradicting what Anne said. So Anne decided to paint the outside of the house white to waste the time. John was a very loyal, hardworking man with good morals and he trusted Anne completley. John even got his friend Steven to come keep Anne company. Little did he know that Anne didn’t think John would come home due to the blizzard and ended up sleeping with Steven.

 In the story Anne was in bed with Steven and thought she saw John’s face in the window but she was to tired and convinced herself that it was not John, but her imagination. In the morning they found John dead, frozen to death in the storm. With closer scrutiny by Anne she found white paint on his hands, proving it was John’s face in the window.

 Overall the setting made a huge difference in how the story went, without it none of this would have happened. Steven and Anne wouldn’t of slept together because Anne would know that John was coming home that night, and John deffinatley wouldnt have died because he wouldn’t have seen Anne in bed with Steven. John would of returned home, maybe played a game of cards and snuggled into bed with his hussy of a wife. The entire time not knowing what Anne would of done if he wasn’t around.

Sinclair Ross, the author of the Painted Door used Repetition to create mood and atmosphere throughout the story. Anne kept on repeating how she just knew that John was going to come home through the blizzard and how he always comes home. Steven was also repeatedly telling Anne that no one can make it through a storm like that one and how there was no way John was coming home tonight. That use of repetition gave the readers a sense that John was going to make it, judging by his character (hard working, loyal). Also how the author talked about how Anne kept on “hearing John come home” and seeing his face everywhere gave us the idea that there was no way John wasn’t coming home that night. And John did come home that night, the author couldnt let Anne get away with that, right?

“Horses of the Night”

October 3, 2007

“Horses of the Night” Margaret Laurence

The short story “Horses of the Night” by Margaret Laurence is told in a young girl named Vanessa’s point of view. Vanessa first met Chris when he came to live with her family so he could enroll in high school. Chris played a huge role in the story and was a very dynamic character. He went to live with Vanessa’s family to do something with his life, to escape from his fathers footsteps and just being a basic, simpleton farmer.Chris was a very different kid. Vanessa would talk about how suprised she was that he talked to her, she was 7 years younger than him and kids that are 13 don’t waste time talking to 6 year olds. But that’s how Chris was, almost childish in the way that he could relate to Vanessa and chose to talk to young kids instead of the others. Chris had big hopes when he came to live with Vanessa’s family. He wanted to go off to College, even though this was unlikely seeing his family wasn’t well off enough to send him to college, and they were also living in the depression. But as most kids that age are like, Chris thought that anything is possible, as long as you want it enough.

Chris went for the get rich quick scheme to get some money for college and that failed, as they usually do. Then when Chris realized he wasn’t going to be able to go to College, he enrolled in the army. He then after that, got discharged from the army because of a mental breakdown. I only realized after the second time reading throught this story that Chris showed signs of being depressed throughout his stay with Vanessa. He covered it up well. He seemed hopeful, but also very passive and withdrawn.

When I finished this story I was kind of sad at how it turned out for Chris.

Not done.