“The Guest”- Albert Camus

In  “The Guest” by Albert Camus the main character Daru, was faced with a problem. Daru is a schoolteacher living in a schoolhouse in  (im guessing) Eygpt. They are people who come to Daru with an Arab prisoner for Daru to take to the prison in the next camp over and then leaves the prisoner in Daru’s hands. Daru is faced with a difficult problem and his choice in this matter shows the readers what kind of person Daru is and just what traits he posesses.

Throughout the Prisoner’s stay with him, Daru was a very compassionate host. He could of easily mistreated the prisoner and left him tied up in the corner. Daru chose to be kind to the prisoner and treat him with some what dignity even though Daru knew that the arab had killed someone.

Daru showed that he was a very non-judgemental person too, he heard from the guards that brought Daru that the prisoner was a murderer but Daru instead used that as a chance to ask the prisoner about his past and what happened and then decide what he thought of him.

3 Responses to ““The Guest”- Albert Camus”

  1. hcorman Says:

    A nice introductory paragraph! I agree with what you have said. However, I think you could have explored Daru’s character a little further.

    Here’s a little grammar lesson for you. It is “could have” not “could of”. It’s also “should have, would have…”.

  2. carlyboyle Says:

    I wasn’t done, but thanks for the comment anyways. My next one will be much better.

  3. hcorman Says:

    Carly, if you want to add to your journal, you can. I’ll re-evaluate it for you. Just let me know when (if) you want me to look at it again.

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